Winning Formula

Whine Whine Whine till you know you have broken the EUREKA EUREKA code … or simply BLA BLA BLA there is only one way to go – Win it. Anything other than a winner is always a loser whether you compare the technologies or races. There is no podium in real life and no trophies that can keep you going but just self inspiration of your own desires.  Sometimes you know have got the winner but simply is not the winner and reason stays simple you never touched the right masses at the right time with right kind of marketing for your win.

Such a similar instance that invoked me to share this was simply a picture that flooded on my social media site. It is interesting that what winners do differently than the losers is publicly lick the world in the sexy package in the right economy.  All suspense over now – its about a never ending story of Microsoft vs Apple. I generally did like Apple until recently that I bought the new iPad3 that kind of took me away from other things of my normal life. Some call it technology and some who want to live real life call it annoyance.

Now, this is what that we are talking about – Winning Formula.

Feel free to share it whether you are Apploid or Microsoftoid 😀
Worth a smile for the fact US and now the rest of the world is ruled by Apple gadgets 😉
I love watching these games whether the egg came first or the chicken – in the end I still get my omelet