BMW G650 XCountry – Bar Raisers

Story continues…. 
I acquired the bar raisers while I have been digging them around from the people who still have parts or selling parts from their old ineherited X bikes.
On a recent trip to NL, I was lucky to find a donor and it was very interesting, landing up at someone house at the middle of night and going through their stash of X treasure. Is kind of thing, you won’t do at all in normal cases but there is nothing normal in my case ever.

I managed to grab a bit more than just the bar raisers, in this case a much desired a metal bar for the handlebar, and a sensor, if I may ever need it again, who knows, these parts become more of rare ones to find with time. I didn’t know what I was getting into when I bought this bike but this has been ever increasing investment ever since.

Wunderlich Bar Raisers
BMW old treasure

Along the process, of acquiring these parts, I also become friends with the donor, in this case the circle of friendships continue along its journey.

So as my donor(now a new friend), mentioned it to me – I may need adjustment with the routing of the throttle cable, I have not needed it but I plan to do this in future. I was able to add the bar raisers fairly without much struggle.

Photos below: fairly a simply swap, so far

But something that was mentioned above – the re-routing of the throttle cable is required. I realized this only, when the bar was completed turned towards the right side, this increase the throttling on its own. I didn’t experience any issues while riding since, such turns are never possible unless you are in the sad part of unavoidable crash! I leave this to the next time when I will have to completely remove the airbox. I will combine this with the next big work when all plastics needs to come off.

2 thoughts on “BMW G650 XCountry – Bar Raisers

  1. Niccolo September 14, 2021 / 1:22 pm

    Hi, did you manage to re route the throttle cable? Was it difficult and would you be able to share the steps? I have the same issue also because of the bar raisers. Thank you!

    • FreeBird December 15, 2021 / 1:01 pm

      Hey Niccolo, It was the same routing – I didn’t have any issues with bar raisers.
      Neither did I have any issues with clutch cable. I simply put the raisers on the existing cable mounts, nothing was needed.

      Best Regards

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