Flying North

01.01.12, And the travel kicked off the start to my new year. Quite a different start to the new year from the previous ones where I have mostly been home but the travel this year on the very first day was first one to kick off with.

eaving Austria and heading back to England the journey was quite smooth with flying well over the clouded playground underneath our plane all from the time we left till the time we landed.

It is that time of the year when we all are searching for resolutions and planning what the year shall bring. I have not done any of that yet but I do wish for few things that can be nice if they come along not that I desperately would want. Generally speaking, I would want to blog more than the previous year and have more of friends, fans and follwings across the different countries. Travel has always enticed me but seemingly its been slowed down so little more of new destinations will be good to start with. I would wish to see the Aurora or the so called blue lights of northern hemisphere.  See the Ireland surrounding its natural beauty. Shoot the pretty women of the world in their own beautiful countries not neglecting the fact that we all love to see the beauty and appreciate it.

Growing older is a part of life and adding one more up number into the age, and subtracting one from the total I wish to be more wiser and patient. The youth has almost treaded away from me in last 3 years. I have lost many things that I cant have anymore but I am not afraid to gain more things that can bring the best out of me. Life is an ever changing colourful canvas, full of new dimensions.

Forget the fear, the life is unknown. What we fear today, may not be tomorrow and what we wish for tomorrow may never be there. So lets live the best way forward, live your dreams that no one else shall paint. The life is best when it comes in its own little packages. I wish all of those who are the firm believers of self that “Life shall be lived like the way you want” so lets go live it large with most colourful paints that can bring the happiness into it.

May the peace, hapiness and health surrounds us all.