
We all are!! Caged

Some in luxury, some in basic

The walls with fancy windows

The door that is yours, the jail of existence

Not by the force but by the will of yours own

Caged, we all are!!

The exotica, the comfort, the hiding

The escape, the warmth, the money well spent

The lull, the music, the noise

The shiny floor, the decorated ceiling, the fire place

Caged, we all are!!

Nothing you may notice so well

But modern dilemma, flows

The lies wrapped in luxuries of comforts

Caged, we all have become!!

To tell, the truth, one must see with soul not the eyes

Jail we live in, soaks the existence, comforts the body

Telling lies but not the truth

We are all !! Caged.

Seriously, look again
The lust of being jailed, when the world pulls you into its traps of luxurious living(Modern Life)!!

Small Joys

Winters brings me closer to life – Renewal of a new lease – Time of the year when the freshness comes in a harsh way.
A lot gets washed away in the hope – the new shall come along without any expectations.

LGBT – LONDON Pride Parade – 2013 – P1

To all those curious vivid and imaginative people in the world – I bring to you the amazing and colorful collective collections from the London Pride Parade of 2013.
It is so true that each picture is worth a thousand words and why not – at the end of the day, it is just these pictures that remain in our head – sometimes its still and sometimes its motion pictures.

To those curious ones, LGBT stands for Lesbians Gays BiSexuals and Transexuals. To celebrate this in London – here we go …

Don’t Forget to give us your LIKES on our Fb Page, please.




Beginning with a teaser, more on the way & the videos underway in editting.
Keep watching for this space & I thank you to all you viewers across the globe.

Spread The Love
Hugs, Peace and Smiles


World Naked Bike Ride – #2013

“We are all born Naked, We all have the same skin and We are all same deep inside”

The main thought being nude is not a pervert thought that sparks and soars in everyone’s imagination. To be able to see beyond one’s wild thoughts there is a deeper meaning and a greater feeling in it. Now that all said, I have been part of something that not only makes me think, write and share what I feel but also see the world from the different side of it.
When you are spectator, you see things differently from the mainstream. You see what passes in front of you with either an awestruck wordless speech in your head or you simply rejoice in seeing what you have seen. Yes, that is true and exact explanation of what I noticed but not from being a fixed spectator but by being an active participant. It does not take time to get used to seeing the world from different eyes once you are part of it. To many of those this world has different perception when you are naked – most feel what the visual world of modern vision shows them – Not real – A fake – Distorted vision.

I was participating in the WNBR, LONDON 2013 – As it stands for “World Naked Bike Ride” – A ride that had a bigger meaning than just being naked – this is where the sensible meets the practical  – A protest of human that encourage the Protest against Oil dependency by celebrating the body freedom on the real leg power. Yes, it is true that cars don’t run on air but fuel that kills our natural resources. Now that said, I don’t have a car but I still have a motorcycle which does leave me with fuel users but if I have a reasonable choice – I am bicycle lover too. I do and have been a lover of nature since I have taken a control of my own senses. Everything apart from what we have known so far – the challenge lies in the beginning. Where does one go and gets started with it – It is no big deal but a deal within your own mind and soul. If you are ready for it – you know you are in it. It was not too hard for me to be ready rather I just felt the part of it – once you see people around you who are getting ready for it – it took me no time to join them.

We started this from the LONDON King’s Cross going through major tourist routes and finishing it at Wellington Arch in Hyde Park Corner. Not a huge challenge in this when the excitement starts to build up. Everything starts to go away from the thoughts once you start pedaling and become part of the group. For me, it was initial few minutes that I had to get adapted to being naked with nothing more than a camera hanging down on my neck and shoes to ride the bike. It is 19C, with still a little cool breeze but the excitement soon takes away all the other things that comes to one’s mind. Our organizers had it all planned so well that it was just a fun ride to be part of one. We had people in all age groups.

Being a participant, I was quite amazed by some of the people reaction from the spectators as if they have never seen naked human bodies or may be not so many at the same time. Hold on, you see yourself naked each time you take shower so don’t hold me to it – I love my body and it is something I am proud of. Clothes is just something a secondary which for me only serves two purposes – one, to cover up – second, to protect me with weather. Ha ha ha… Jokes apart – this world had logically such a shock and interestingly that some were just so shocked to see that they even went closing eyes of their partners. How interesting, the contrast – A guy closing the eyes of his female counterpart while he can look at other naked females. Now, this is something which was one that I came across but the most I noticed was that big wide open mouth with that expression of “AWWWWW!” Yes !!! I am sure you will find most of it on the full video coverage on my YouTube Channel.

But all in all, the facts stays that your body is something you cover up but the reality of it is true – it is just the same flesh, same meat but different structures. Being naked is not same as being in porn so to those who looked so shameful seeing naked bodies – I have one advice for you – Participate next time and see how you feel because this guilt feel is not what you want to live for. To all those who participated in this, thank you for making it such a relaxed, wonderful and amazing experience. The reason to “Celebrate the Body Freedom”.  So before you look at the pictures and think anything else – It should all be a mature content and no harm done to anyone who is anti-nudes protagonist.

World Naked Bike Ride #2013 #London
#WNBR #London #2013
All rights reserved - Mani Babbar Photography
#WNBR #London #2013
#WNBR #2013 #London
#WNBR #2013 #London
#WNBR #2013 #London
#WNBR #2013 #London #MB
#WNBR #London #2013 #MB
#WNBR #2013 #MB #London
#WNBR #2013 #Happiness #MB
#MB #WNBR #2013 #London
#WNBR #2013 #MB #London

& I am  your host, signing off !!

Your Host for #WNBR #2013 #London

& the full video coverage is HERE

British Weather

Of the British weather, there is no guarantee that it will be sunny when it says sunny and it will be spring when it has to be spring. Now, that said – we humans get used to these changes quite easily in our own nests and our own habitats. But about those in nature that depends on these changes – yes, I am talking of the birds that fly across from Africa after their long haul flights to breed and realise that its way too cold for them to breed.
May be I am overly cautious here but yes I am making a point here with the way this weather has been so far.

Well that said, here is a little view to the changing weathers of the Britain’s seasons. It just seems that the endless winter and cold is never really gone – It rains and stays gray for 6 days shows sun on one day and then repeats the same process again. [Read the whole article here]

At the same time, we are looking at this beautiful scene from the countryside of England.  You cannot resist saying its beautiful and indeed, it is. Just that the nature is something we humans can never be able to control but yet we unknowingly cause so much damage to it.

If at all I can, I would wish people could show respect to nature and teach our coming generations to give back to nature what we always take back from it.

Sitting here and watching the rain fall – it just never stops 🙂 … May be stops but comes back again faster than it actually stopped. Back to reality – Back to work.